We are very excited to announce that we will begin 2018 with two subdivision meetings.
Location: Jefferson Middle School cafeteria
Date: February 15, 2018, Time: 7:00 PM
Topics: Formation of new neighborhood watch, subdivision financial update, common grounds issues
Date: March 15, 2018, Time: 7:00 PM
(Special meeting to review Subdivision Indentures with Attorney)
Now maybe you are reading those topics and yawning. Maybe you are even asking yourself,
"Why should I spend my few precious hours of free time at a subdivision meeting? I have
to get a babysitter! My cat needs her nails trimmed." To that we would respond, "We get it!"
We have cats! We have children! We even have jobs that are so stressful they are making us
go bald. Please come and take part in the spectacle. Still, we are working tirelessly to
ensure the safety, security and sanity of all our friends and neighbors and would like to
invite you to converse on these important topics. Please contact the trustees if you do not
have reliable transportation or need assistance attending the meeting. We will do everything
within our power to ensure you can attend.
Some residents may not be aware of some things that are happening in our community. We have had recent complaints about speeding in the subdivision that endangers our children who wait at bus stops. Please note that the speed limit in the subdivision is 25mph. We also have experienced crime issues that include theft from unlocked vehicles/garages, drug activity, and noise ordinance violation. The trustees have been very concerned about these issues and recently met with Sergeant Brian Clay from the St. Charles County Police Department. He has graciously offered to help us reinstate our neighborhood watch program by providing training. We are very excited about this and need people who are willing to volunteer as block captains. We plan to provide an update from our conversation with him at the subdivision meeting as well as the resulting action from the St. Charles County Police in response to our concerns. Please contact the trustees for more information.
Another important issue the trustees currently face is homeowner's not taking responsibility to pay their annual assessment. The trustees are avidly pursuing these people via collection and progress is being made even though we dislike this approach. To help inform the community, we plan to give an overview of the subdivision financial situation, including what your assessment pays for. We may also have to consider raising the assessment or conducting a special assessment to address issues in our common ground areas and the rising cost of utilities. Please attend to learn more and remember that the annual assessment is not optional.
As we consider finances, we want homeowners to be aware that the trustees are currently in the process of revising the subdivision indentures. We went through this process a few years ago and the measure failed. Don't wait to voice your opinion until after the revision! This process is expensive and time intensive. We retain an attorney to revise these legal documents and then ask every single homeowner to vote on them. A draft will be mailed out prior to the March 15th meeting (Jefferson Middle School at 7:00 PM) Please review carefully and make notations. Bring those to the meeting with you or send them to the trustees. We understand that 7:00 PM is late for some homeowners. If there is an interest for a meeting to be held during the day, please express to us directly. We make no guarantees but we will see what we can do and then notify you by phone. Also, please allow time for us to return your call. We have full time jobs and families. The current indentures have not been updated since the founding of the subdivision in 1964. We need your candid feedback to ensure they incorporate your concerns.
The trustees have also discussed starting a Welcome Wagon type of group to greet new homeowners to our subdivision. One of the most important tenants of strong community is that neighbors know one another. As the younger generation moves in, we would like to connect them with longer standing residents. If you are not able to attend the meeting, please contact the trustees to express interest.
We need you! The entrance to the subdivision on Golfway at West Clay is an important part of our community and it is not currently as visually appealing as we would like. We would like to invite our resident gardeners and horticulturists to add to the curb appeal of this monument. Do you have a few hours to spare this spring and possibly a few extra plants from your yard? Please contact the trustees and help us design and beautify this entrance.
Please keep an eye out for trees that have fallen down in and around our common grounds. We will contact the company we use for grounds keeping when we have a full eight hours of work for them to perform unless there is a situation where there is imminent danger. Let us know if there are issues we need to address. We don't know if you don't tell us.
We have the position of trustee open for an eager and energetic homeowner to fill. The qualifications are simply that you live in the subdivision and are current on your assessment. Contact the trustees to express interest.
St. Charles County Code Enforcement will begin inspecting properties in our subdivision in the Spring. Please ensure yards are mowed or raked, yard waste is properly disposed of, vehicles are properly parked and licensed, and homes are appropriately maintained in order to prevent a violation notice. Also, please do not dump yard waste or any other items (mattress, boats, TV's, etc.) in our common ground areas. The trustees will contact home owners who they suspect of this practice and force them to remove debris at their expense.
We have had several unfortunate incidents this past year with unleashed pets. Please keep your pets on a leash if they are not secured in your fenced yard. Unleashed dogs have attacked several unsuspecting homeowners and other dogs because they were not secured. This presents a volatile situation for all parties involved and it is against the law. Also, please clean up after your pet. Neighbors do not generally appreciate your pet using their yard as a toilet. This includes the common ground parks as well.
Do we have any homeowners who are willing to help empty trash in the common ground parks? Please contact the trustees if you are able. This is one area we need help with.
And last but not least, please mark your calendars! The semi-annual subdivision garage sales will occur on May 12th and October 13th. Invite your friends! Clear out the clutter! This is our favorite event of the year and we can't wait to see our friends and neighbors.
We hope to see you at the subdivision meeting on February 15th and again on March 15th. We will have homemade cookies and beverages and hope to have a fruitful discussion. We can't wait to see your fresh and smiling faces! Come one, come all! And bring your ideas for how to make St. Charles Hills a better, brighter community for everyone who lives here. In the meantime, remember to visit our website for updates on yard of the month, upcoming park clean-up activities and social gatherings.
The Trustees