St. Charles Hills subdivision, St. Charles, MO
A Letter from the St. Charles Hills Subdivision Trustees, 12/05/06
December 5, 2006
- There will be a quarterly Residents/Trustees meeting December 13th, 2006 at Jefferson Middle School at 700 PM in the cafeteria.
- St. Charles Hills now has a web site at where you can find much of the information you need about our subdivision.
- The St. Charles Hills Conditions, Restrictions, and Provisions (otherwise known as the "Bylaws") can be purchased at the Residents/Trustees meeting for $1.00, or can be downloaded at the web site for free.
- Lot owners who have not paid their past due assessments will need to be prepared for litigation. Attorney fees will be a minimum of $1,500.00 and any past due assessments on top of that. Anyone that chooses not to pay a $50.00 assessment for the year will end up with a minimum of $220.00 fees incurred per year. For an example if a lot owner has not paid their assessment since 2001 the minimum amount due would be around $2,820.00.
- The next Neighborhood Watch meeting will be January 17th, 2007 at Jefferson Middle School at 700 PM in the cafeteria. The speaker will be from St. Charles County Animal Control.
- Parks/Common Grounds clean up will be late February/early March depending on weather. Watch for posted signs for date, location and time. We need as much help from as many people as possible. We can then focus on repairing the storm drains, instead of paying businesses to clean up branches, leaves, etc.
- There is to be NO DUMPING in commons grounds/parks. Fees will be incurred by the lot owners caught in their action.
- If you are elderly and/or handicapped and need assistance please contact a trustee and/or your neighbor.
Thank you for your cooperation and participation in advance!