There will be a meeting on December 17, 2015. Jefferson Middle School starting at 6:30 PM in the cafeteria.
Guest speakers will be present.
Let’s begin by informing the old and the new homeowners about the yearly assessment fee.
This fee is only $50.00 per household annually. This covers (but is not limited to) maintaining parks/common ground, insurance and street lights. Therefore, it is essential that each homeowner makes it a priority to pay on time each year. We are gradually sending delinquent accounts to collections. The attorney and collection fees will be added to your account.
We encourage each homeowner to visit the website to review information regarding the governance of our subdivision, the old and proposed new indentures, and a list of contacts so that you know who to contact first concerning different issues.
We continue to encourage homeowners that live adjacent to a common ground and/or park to continue to clean up their fence lines on both sides. Even if you don't live around common grounds, your perimeter fencing shall be maintained as a responsible homeowner. There isn’t enough money for the subdivision to maintain/clear each and every fence line. Please note that there is NO DUMPING of your limbs/shrubbery in the common grounds. Most environmental waste companies have yard waste available on "as-needed" basis.
It is inappropriate to blow and or rake your leaves, gum balls, etc., out into the curbing or street for them to blow into neighboring yards. Again, yard waste is available from your waste company on an as-needed basis.
Violations of county ordinances in the subdivision are dealt with by St. Charles County and are subject to fines and citations in accordance with their jurisdiction.
Revisions of the indentures are still in process. Privacy fences are not allowed around the perimeter of your property lines.
There have been more violations this year with commercial vehicle and trailer parking throughout the subdivision. Please review the subdivision indentures and County ordinances regarding this.
Please also note that parking and/or blocking the park entrances are prohibited.
The community subdivision garage sale appears to have a lot of interest. The second Saturday of May and the second Saturday of October will be the permanent dates. If the garage sale signs are not welcomed in your yard, please do not move them or throw them away. Call (636) 724-7221 and ask us to remove them. These signs are reused every year.
Trustee positions are available. You must be current on your assessment to run. Please mail or email your interest to the trustees. If possible, please try to attend the meeting.
Thank you for your attention to these matters.