St. Charles Hills subdivision, St. Charles, MO

Parks and Common Areas

The parks and common areas in St. Charles Hills subdivision are an important part of our neighborhood. We need to take good care of them and encourage our neighbors to do likewise.

There are 13 parks in St. Charles Hills: Ehlmann, Orton, St. Alban #1, St. Alban #2, Lyme #1, Lyme #2, Lyme #3, Kelsey, Ipswich, Essex, Janton, Fleet, and the "unnamed" park. (The parks have been identified from St. Charles County records.) Parks and subdivision boundaries photo.

Property owners are responsible for maintaining their own fence lines.
The yearly assessment does not cover this. If the common ground adjacent to their property is a park that has grass that is mowed, then maintaining their fence line is easy. If it is not a park, then work will need to be done to keep it clear. Of course, if something like a tree in the common ground falls or sheds a large limb, then contact the Trustees.
Not all common ground is park area, meaning not all common ground is maintained in the manner that parks are.

Let the Trustees know if anything needs attention in any of the parks.
If you see anyone doing anything detrimental to our parks or common areas, like dumping yard waste or other items, please help convince them that this is bad for our neighborhood.

Our Trustees and other residents that help us often make repairs on the equipment in our parks.

Parks Repairs, Autumn 2024

Improvements made to Fleet Park in 2024   Click for Pictures!

Parks Repairs, Autumn 2017

Picture of a repaired park bench in Fleet Park

Picture of a park bench made from defunct "bouncy rides" in Janton Park

Essex Park cleanup, Sat March 18th, 2017

Greetings and Salutations, Saint Charles Hills Neighbors! The Trustees and our trusty advisor/webmaster spent the morning yesterday at Essex Park hauling out trash and then surveyed the other parks to asses the work that needs to be done. We have quite a to-do list! We picked up miscellaneous trash and then plucked some larger pieces from the creek. We pulled 2 old car batteries, a bicycle and 3 large pipes.

More concerning is the large dumping ground behind the houses that abut the park. We were unable to carry out the jacuzi tub that has been cut into pieces and left along with several other large pieces of trash. The first picture doesn't look like much but I promise you, we were worn out!

We would like to remind residents that the common grounds are NOT dumping grounds. We found several old Christmas trees and yard waste. Also, if you see people dumping, please contact the trustees. This is not tattling. We would very much like everyone to utilize the common ground parks without wading through garbage. Also, removing the bulky trash is going to be costly and time intensive. We would rather use our energy and monies to upgrade playground equipment and picnic facilities.

Picture of some of the junk we wish people would not dump in our parks
Picture of some of the junk we wish people would not dump in our parks

Ipswich Park cleanup, Sun June 17th, 2007

Having a dumpster and chipper will be postponed until the following week, June 24th. You can then bring your branches by to be shredded only during the time when someone is present. Do not drop them or lay them by the side if no one is present.

Picture of the group that participated
Picture of the results of their work!
Picture of some of the junk we wish people would not dump in our parks

Lyme Park cleanup, Sat April 14 and Sun April 15, 2007.

For Saturday gloves and StreamTeam t-shirts will be handed out. Food provided. Bring rakes, wheelbarrels, good waterproof shoes, trash cans on wheels if possible. Bring your own water or drinks. Some will be provided. Note: if you can only provide an hour of your time for park cleanup that is better than nothing. This is for your neighborhood.

Picture of the group that participated
Picture of some of the junk we wish people would not dump in our parks

April 2007 Dumpster project update

The dumpster on Fleet had trash set on the outside and hardened bags of concrete and tires, which we stressed not to do because it would have been the responsibility of trustees to dispose of it by means of neighbors in the neighbor or by themselves.

Lots of thanks to people who used it to clean up the outside and not so much for the people who cleaned up the inside of their house and some of the trash could have been taken by the weekly trash service. Lots of thanks to Mr. Loss West who monitored the dumpsters on Lyme and put in a lot of hard work. Thanks to Dave and Gary as well for cleaning Fleet park of some major trash while the dumspter was available.

December 13th, 2006     Copyright © 2006-2025 - St. Charles Hills subdivision
log file