St. Charles Hills subdivision, St. Charles, MO
St. Charles Hills Trivia Answers
How well do you know the subdivision of St. Charles Hills in which you live?
Note: Some of our streets have houses on them that are a part of another subdivision.
The questions refer to residences/houses with St. Charles Hills addresses.
- What three streets have the greatest number of addresses on the street? (Bolton Street, Ipswich Lane, and Highgate Lane)
- How many addresses are on those streets? (84 on Bolton Street, 82 on Ipswich Lane, 77 on Highgate Lane)
- What two streets are tied for the least number of addresses on the street? (Thames Avenue and York Drive)
- How many addresses are on those streets? (2 each)
- How many total streets are in the subdivision? (37)
- Most streets in the subdivision have a name ending in "Street", "Lane", "Drive", or "Court".
There are three that end with something else. What are their names? (Zumbehl Road, Ehlmann Road, and Sawyer Blvd.)
- How many streets provide entrances to the subdivision? (9 - Ipswich (2 places), Golfway (2 places), Bedford, Abbey, St. Babette, Penbrooke (2 places), Essex, Sherborn, Sawyer)
- How many parks are in the subdivision? (13)
- Can you name them? (Ehlmann, Orton, St. Alban #1, St. Alban #2, Lyme #1, Lyme #2, Lyme #3, Kelsey, Ipswich, Essex, Janton, Fleet, "unnamed")
- Where is the unnamed park? (Off Ehlmann Road where it starts to go down the hill toward Zumbehl)
- How many parks with playground equipment are in the subdivision? (5)
- How many storefront businesses are in the subdivision? (None)
List of streets:
- Abbey Street
- Ainsworth Court
- Bolton Street
- Bedford Lane
- Camden Street (only 4 residences)
- Catesby Lane
- Chancery Lane
- Denton Lane
- Eddington Lane (only 6 residences)
- Edgeworth Lane
- Ehlmann Road
- Embleton Lane
- Essex Street
- Fleet Lane
- Golfway Street
- Greenwich Lane
- Highgate Lane
- Ipswich Lane
- Janton Lane
- Kelsey Court
- Kelsey Lane
- Lyme Court (only 4 residences)
- Lyme Street
- Maldon Lane
- Nantwich Lane
- Orton Street
- Penbrooke Lane
- Quenley Street
- Radnor Street
- St. Alban Drive
- St. Camella Lane
- St. Babette Lane
- St. Daphne Drive
- Sherborn Lane
- Thames Avenue (only 2 residences)
- York Drive (only 2 residences)
- Zumbehl Road
As of June 2018 there is no more Regent Drive. That small section of street is now an
extension of Sawyer Blvd., which goes from West Clay St. and through Mark Twain and St. Andrews subdivisions.
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